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I haven't made a new blog entry in a while, so I thought it might be nice to update readers on what I’ve been up to lately.

First and foremost, I’ve still been working on my site's CSS and general organization. I have a lot of topics that I want to make pages for, and I want them to be organized in a way that makes sense and is easy to browse. As you can probably tell already, I’ve updated this blog's CSS too. It’s now customized instead of using the default Zonelets CSS. I’ve also changed some of the HTML semantics to be more screen-reader friendly and made it so that settings from other pages on my site (light/dark mode, dyslexic-friendly font, etc) will be carried over to the pages on my blog.

As you might have seen on my, I got a new job a few months ago! Since I started, I haven’t had as much time to work on this site, which is why progress has slowed down a little bit, but not too much. I only work a couple shifts a week, so I still probably have more free time than most of my peers. It's a nice job. Gets a bit busy during the summer though. It can be a little overwhelming at times, but at least it gets me out of the house and I have some spending money now.

It’s finally getting warmer where I live, maybe a little too warm. Last week, I couldn’t be outside without freezing my ass off. The last couple days, it’s been too hot to do anything, I spent all yesterday afternoon in my room with my fan on. It’s not all bad though, me and my family were able to enjoy memorial day weekend together, it wasn’t too hot or cold out then.

My mom's garden is starting to bloom and I’ve been seeing lots of birds, bugs and rabbits outside. A mama robin built her nest on our back patio. We sometimes see her bring her chick worms (cute!) and even remove the chick's fecal sacs (not so cute!). My mom found some Monarch butterfly eggs on some milkweed she planted. Usually, we’d bring them inside, since Monarchs are an endangered species and sometimes need extra protection, but my dad doesn’t like having them in the house. My moms been trying to convince him to let her buy an outdoor hutch for the caterpillars, but he doesn’t like that either. Fostering caterpillars is one of the highlights of summer for me and my mom, so I hope they’re able to figure something out.

Mother's day went well. Me and my mom celebrated by going to her favorite plant swap. I got some seeds for myself and planted them in some cups on my windowsill. I’m pretty sure they’re dead though. I’ve given them plenty of sun and water but nothings come up yet. I guess I didn’t inherit my mom's green thumb, huh?

My brother graduated from high school the other day. He’s worked very hard and we're very proud of him. We invited some friends and family members over and ate pizza, cake and ice cream to celebrate! It’s nice having everyone together on a special day.

So yeah, that’s about it.

  • Mood: alexithymia moment 😐
  • Reading: Laziness Does Not Exist - Devon Price
  • Watching: Youtube
  • Playing: WarioWare: Get It Together!
  • Drinking: coffee