

Here's some blinkies and shit I made. plz credit I made in aseprite


Kris fan with blue border.
Kris fan with no border.

I heart Kris with blue border.
I heart Kris with no border.


Susie fan with pink border.
Susie fan with no border.

I heart Susie with pink border.
I heart Susie with no border.


Ralsei fan with a hat and green border.
Ralsei fan with a hat and no border.

Ralsei fan with no hat and green border.
Ralsei fan with no hat and no border.

I heart Ralsei with a hat and green border.
I heart Ralsei with a hat and no border.

I heart Ralsei with no hat and green border.
I heart Ralsei with no hat and no border.


Noelle fan with yellow border.
Noelle fan with no border

I heart Noelle with yellow border.
I heart Noelle with no border


Noelle shaking Berdly with the word 'what?' repeatedly scrolling in the background and a blue border.
Noelle shaking Berdly with the word 'what?' repeatedly scrolling in the background.
The word 'homophobic' with an arrow pointing to Sans from Undertale.
The word 'homophobic' with an arrow pointing to Toriel from Undertale.
Ho Ho Ho!!! You just got Lancered!!!
Get Lancered!!!
He's the original Starwalker.

(to be clear, I do not actually think that San or Toriel are homophobic. It's just a joke referancing these two videos.)

Susie x Noelle fan with pink and yellow border.
Susie x Noelle fan with no border.

I heart Susie x Noelle with pink and yellow border.
I heart Susie x Noelle with no border.

Susie x Noelle shipper with pink and yellow border.
Susie x Noelle shipper with no border.

make dark fun gang, dark gang etc blinkies

Honeycomb / Hex Stamps:

Kris's battle sprite.
Susie's battle sprite.
Ralsei's Chapter 2 battle sprite.
Ralsei's Chapter 1 battle sprite.
Noelle's battle sprite.
Berdly's battle sprite.
Spamton laughing while his sprite glitches.
Ralsei chuckling while holding cotton candy.
Susie chomping into cotton candy.
Noelle and Susie with a small red heart in-between them
Noelle shaking Berdly.